
The Kameris Group of Companies undertakes any kind of building demolition safely, and constantly expands and improves this service, in the private and the public sector.

Structural demolition for private, commercial, industrial and governmental projects

This is the complete demolition of a building with technologically advanced equipment and machinery. The company undertakes demolitions of buildings regardless of their size, and it is specialized in high buildings’ demolitions. The company successfully demolished the Old Nicosia GeneralHospital, army camps, residential blocks of flats, factories, houses etc.


Selective demolition or Strip out

In this case the structural frame of the building (columns, beams, slabs etc) remains untouched and only the secondary parts of the building (doors, windows, tiles, fittings, walls, etc) are being removed and dismantled. By doing this kind of interior demolition the place is prepared for renovation.  The whole procedure is done with the utmost care and precision.

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